Monitor Audio's Gold 100 6G has received an excellent review by Lee Dunkley from Audiograde. Along with winning the Audiograde 'Recommended' Award, Lee praised the 3-way bookshelf stating it as an ideal speaker for "anyone who desires expansive and insightful sound around vocals and instrumentation..."
"With the Gold 100 6G, there was definitely more realism and warmth in the vocal performance thanks to the dedicated midrange and tweeter array. The track sounded nuanced and expressive, with this speaker delivering the kind of insight and musical connection I’d expect to hear from considerably more upmarket designs."
"The song’s expansive soundstage was well ordered, with instrument placement that sounded authentic and stretched beyond the plane of the speakers."
"The bigger design pays off to deliver one of the most enjoyable and insightful sounds I’ve heard in a long time. The handover between the three drivers is imperceptible..."