Monitor Audio's Gold 100 6G continues its momentum with another glowing review courtesy of Sound Advice. The standmount speaker was reviewed by Simon Lucas, who said the Gold 100 6G is the speaker to buy if "you enjoy a full-scale, faithful and invigorating rendition of your favourite music."
"The low end is punchy, for sure, but it’s also packed with detail both broad and fine, and there’s plenty of variation to go along with the straightforward wallop."
"...the same is true at the opposite end of the frequency range, in as much as the treble reproduction is substantial, varied and alive with detail. That complex transducer arrangement offers a proper sensation of space and air at the top end, but it can sink its teeth in too if your music demands it."
"...the frequency response, from the top of the range to the bottom, is smooth in the manner of warm butter. The sensation of unruffled confidence and control is only bolstered by tonality that’s as naturalistic and convincing as it gets."