Monitor Audio's Gold 200 floorstanding speaker receives high praise from Philip Beaudette of SoundStage! Hi-Fi. In his review he discusses his thorough listening experience with the speakers, noting that they even rival competitors at three times the price!
"The sounds of the two violins, viola, and cello were rich in toneand vibrantly immediate. This is not to suggest that the 200s sounded bright; rather, they sounded natural, allowing me to focus on the music rather than on the equipment through which I was listening to it."
"I think the Gold 200 could hold its own against speakers costing up to three times as much."
"The bass in this track goes deep, providing a brooding undertone to the rest of the performance, and the Gold 200s delivered it with excellent control and impact."
"Revel’s Performa3 F206 has been my reference loudspeaker for several years now -- I’d never reviewed another floorstander with which I’d consider replacing it. But now, having heard Monitor Audio’s Gold 200, that has changed."