We are proud to announce that three Monitor Audio speakers have received the 2022 Editor's Choice Award from The Absolute Sound! The winners include Monitor Audio's PL500 II, Gold 300 and Silver 300 7G.
The Absolute Sound is one of the most prestigious audio magazines in North America that focuses on high-end audio equipment and is an excellent source of expert reviews, features, and commentary on high-performance audio and music. Their Editors’ Choice Awards are announced annually and include products recommended by The Absolute Sound's acknowledged audio reviewers.
The PL500 II was reviewed by Julie Mullins, who said,
"...the Platinum 500 II has superb build-quality, advanced technologies, and value far exceeding their price".
The Gold 300 was also reviewed by Julie Mullins, who said,
"...the Gold 300 had noteworthy detail and resolution" as well as "satisfying low end, substance and style".
The Silver 300 7G was reviewed by Neil Gader, who said,
"Loudspeakers face a tough road in the highly competitive $2–3k category, but the Monitor Audio has more than enough game and ranks with the best I’ve heard in this range."
Read more about The Absolute Sound's Editor's Choice Awards by visiting them online at www.theabsolutesound.com.